Tyranny of Small Decisions

The Tyranny of Small Decisions describes a situation where a bunch of seemingly insignificant choices, when added up, lead to a bigger outcome that’s not ideal or even downright bad. It’s like a slow drip, drip, drip that eventually overflows the bucket.

  • Small Decisions: The key here is that these are individual choices that, on their own, seem minor. They might be quick decisions or ones made without much thought.
  • Accumulation: The problem arises when you make a bunch of these small decisions over time. Each decision, by itself, might not have a big impact, but together they add up.
  • Unintended Outcome: The result of all these small decisions can be something you never intended or even anticipated. It can be negative, like poor health or financial trouble, or simply not what you were aiming for in the long run.


  • Diet and Exercise: Skipping a workout here and there or grabbing a sugary snack might seem harmless, but over time, these choices can lead to weight gain and health problems.
  • Finances: Making small impulse purchases or putting off saving for retirement might not seem like a big deal at the moment, but they can have a significant impact on your financial future.
  • Environment: Individually, littering or leaving the lights on in an empty room might seem like minor things, but collectively these choices contribute to environmental issues.

By being mindful of your choices and their potential cumulative impact, you can avoid falling victim to the Tyranny of Small Decisions and work towards achieving your goals.