Making Choices

Practical Wisdom for Everyday Moral Decisions

Peter Kreeft


Bad times are no excuse for bad choices and bad lives.

Only in a bad world can we become good.

Most people love freedom when it means being able to do whatever they feel like doing. But they don’t love freedom when it means the responsibility of making moral choices and living with the results.

Liberals are strangely willing to sacrifice the lives of the innocent (especially the old and the unborn) but not the guilty (the murderer on death row or the soldier of an aggressive enemy). Conservatives tend to the opposite selective morality, opposing abortion and euthanasia but eager to keep guns, capital punishment, and military force as the quick-fix solution to international problems.

…you want to be honored by those who know you, not those who don’t.

…an addict naturally projects his own obsession onto his critics.

“Thou shalt not bear false witness” means more than just not lying in court. It means not compromising with falsehood in any of our language.

Peter Maurin’s: a good society is “a society in which it is easy to be good.”