
This is a collection of notes taken from books that I found thought-provoking. The notes are grouped and (generally) limited to ten, which caused me to filter and pull out the most essential points. If you like the selected notes, then read the book – I have provided ISBN-10 numbers for your reference. Highlighted book titles are foundational.

Keeping books on a bookshelf is a waste; the books never get read again. The full bookshelf itself is a talisman to convince yourself and others you are smart or care about education. Get rid of books you have already read (or will not read).

Below is a running list of books with recommended excerpts / thoughts:

The Four Agreements – Don Miguel Ruiz

The 4-Hour Work Week – Timothy Ferriss

The 4 Disciplines of Execution – Chris McChesney, Sean Covey, Jim Huling, Scott Thele, and Beverly Walker

The 6 Conversations – Heather Holleman and Gary D. Chapman

The 7 Habits of Highly Effective Families – Stephen Covey

The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People – Stephen Covey

12 Rules for Life – Jordan Peterson

The 15 Commitments of Conscious Leadership – Jim Dethmer, Diana Chapman, and Kaley Klemp

Four Thousand Weeks – Oliver Burkeman

The Affluent Society – John Kenneth Galbraith

Am I Being Too Subtle? – Sam Zell

Andrew Carnegie – David Nasaw

The Anxious Generation – Jonathan Haidt

Alexander Hamilton – Ron Chernow

Autobiography of Andrew Carnegie – Andrew Carnegie and John Charles Van Dyke

Anything You Want – Derek Sivers

The Art of Being Unreasonable – Eli Broad

The Art of Happiness – Dalai Lama

The Art of the Start – Guy Kawasaki

The Art of Virtue – Benjamin Franklin

Atomic Habits – James Clear

Awaken the Giant Within – Anthony Robbins

Benjamin Franklin – Walter Isaacson

Berkshire Hathaway Letters to Shareholders – Warren Buffett and Max Olson

The Better Angels of our Nature – Steven Pinker

Beyond Basketball – Mike Krzyzewski and Jamie K. Spatola

Beyond Freedom and Dignity – B. F. Skinner

Big Debt Crises – Ray Dalio

Black Swan – Nassim Nicholas Taleb

The Blue Zones Solution – Dan Buettner

The Bomber Mafia – Malcolm Gladwell

Born Standing Up – Steve Martin

Boundaries – Henry Cloud and John Townsend

Brain Rules – John Medina

A Brief History of Time – Stephen Hawking

Buffettology – David Clark and Mary Buffett

Bull! – Maggie Mahar

Business Stripped Bare – Richard Branson

Calling Bullshit – Carl T. Bergstrom and Jevin D. West

The Carbon Almanac – Seth Godin

Career Renegade – Jonathan Fields

The Checklist Manifesto – Atul Gawande

Choose Yourself – James Altucher and Dick Costolo

Cold Hard Truth On Men, Women, and Money – Kevin O’Leary

Collapse – Jared Diamond

Common Stocks and Uncommon Profits and Other Writings – Philip A. Fisher and Kenneth L. Fisher

The Complete Investor – Tren Griffin

Conspiracy – Ryan Holiday

Daily Rituals – Mason Currey

Darwin’s Blind Spot – Frank Ryan

The Demon Haunted World – Carl Sagan

Eating the Dinosaur – Chuck Klosterman

The Economics of Innocent Fraud – John Kenneth Galbraith

Endless Referrals – Bob Burg

The Effective Executive – Peter F. Drucker

The Essential Galbraith – John Kenneth Galbraith

Essentialism – George McKeown

Feel-Good Productivity – Ali Abdaal

The Fish That Ate the Whale – Rich Cohen

The Formula – Ronald F. Ferguson and Tatshia Robertson

Freakonomics – Steven Levitt and Stephen Dubner

Free Range Kids – Lenore Skenazy

Genghis Kahn – John Man

Getting Everything You Can Out of All You’ve Got – Jay Abraham

Getting Things Done – David Allen

Going Infinite – Michael Lewis

The Gold Standard – Mike Krzyzewski and Jamie K. Spatola

Good Profit – Charles G. Koch

Good to Great – John Collins

The Great Crash 1929 – John Kenneth Galbraith

Grinding It Out – Ray Kroc

Guns, Germs, and Steel – Jared M. Diamond

High Output Management – Andrew S. Grove

The Honest Truth About Dishonesty – Dr. Dan Ariely

The House of Kennedy – James Patterson and Cynthia Fagen

How Successful People Think – John C. Maxwell

How the World Really Works – Vaclav Smil

How to Become a Straight-A Student – Cal Newport

How to Get Filthy Rich in Rising Asia – Mohsin Hamid

How to Get Rich – Felix Dennis

How to Win at College – Cal Newport

How To Win Friends and Influence People – Dale Carnegie

I Will Teach You To Be Rich – Ramit Sethi

In Search of Time – Dan Falk

Influence – Robert B. Cialdini PhD

The Intelligent Investor – Benjamin Graham, Jason Zweig, and Warren E. Buffett

Jim Cramer’s Real Money – Jim Cramer

John Adams – David McCullough

Leadership – Rudy Giuliani

Leading with the Heart – Mike Krzyzewski, Donald T. Phillips, and Grant Hill

The Lessons of History – Will and Ariel Durant

Limping on Water – Philip Beuth, K.C. Schulberg, and Sheridon Wright

Linchpin – Seth Godin

The Magic of Thinking Big – David J. Schwartz

Make Your Bed – Admiral William H. McRaven

Making Choices – Peter Kreeft

Man in Full – Tom Wolfe

Man’s Search for Meaning – Viktor Frankl

Marcus Aurelius – Anthony Birley

The Martha Rules – Martha Stewart

Mastering the Market Cycle – Howard Marks

Mastery – Robert Greene

Meditations – Marcus Aurelius

Men to Match My Mountains – Irving Stone

The Millionaire Fastlane – MJ DeMarco

Misbehaving – Richard Thaler

Money – Master the Game – Tony Robbins

The Money Book for the Young, Fabulous & Broke – Suze Orman

The Most Important Thing – Howard Marks

My Life and Work – Henry Ford and Samuel Crowther

My Personal Best – John Wooden and Steve Jamison

Never Eat Alone – Keith Ferazzi

Never Split the Difference – Chris Voss and Tahl Raz

A New Earth – Eckhart Tolle

The New One Minute Manager – Ken Blanchard and Spencer Johnson

The Obstacle Is the Way – Ryan Holiday

On the Origin of Time – Thomas Hertog

The Outsiders – William Thorndike

A Passion for Nature – Donald Worster

Perennial Seller – Ryan Holiday

Personal Development for Smart People – Steve Pavlina

Poor Charlie’s Almanack – Peter D. Kaufman, Ed Wexler, Warren E. Buffett, and Charles T. Munger

The Power of Positive Thinking – Dr. Norman Vincent Peale

Powerhouse Principles – Jorge Pérez

The Psychology of Money – Morgan Housel

Range – David Epstein

The Richest Man in Babylon – George S. Clason

The Ride of a Lifetime – Robert Iger

The Road to Character – David Brooks

The Road Less Traveled – M. Scott Peck

The Rule of St. Benedict – St. Benedict

Sam Walton – Sam Walton and John Huey

Same as Ever – Morgan Housel

Samuel Johnson – George Irwin

Sapiens – Yuval Noah Harari

The Second Mountain – David Brooks

See You at the Top – Zig Ziglar

Shadow Divers – Robert Kurson

ShipIt – Seth Godin

Smart Money Smart Kids – Dave Ramsey and Rachel Cruz

The Smartest Guys in the Room – Bethany McLean, Peter Elkind, and Joe Nocera

The Snowball – Alice Schroeder

So Good They Can’t Ignore You – Cal Newport

Solution Selling – Michael T. Bosworth

Start-up Nation – Dan Senor and Saul Singer

Start with Why – Simon Sinek

Succeeding with What You Have – Charles Schwab

The Success Principles – Jack Canfield

Think! – Michael R. LeGault

Think and Grow Rich – Napoleon Hill

Thomas Jefferson – Jon Meacham

Thou Shall Prosper – Rabbi Daniel Lapin

Thrive – Arianna Huffington

Tools of Titans – Tim Ferriss

Total Money Makeover – Dave Ramsey

Tribe of Mentors – Tim Ferriss

Trillion Dollar Coach – Eric Schmidt, Jonathan Rosenberg, and Alan Eagle

The Undoing Project – Michael Lewis

Unshakeable – Tony Robbins and Peter Mallouk

Upheaval – Jared Diamond

The Upside of Turbulence – Donald Sull

Washington – Ron Chernow

What It Takes – Stephen A. Schwarzman

Wild At Heart – John Eldredge

The Wizard of Menlo Park – Randall E. Stross

Your Money or Your Life – Vicki Robin, Joe Dominguez, and Mr. Money Mustache

Your Move – Ramit Sethi

Zeckendorf – William Zeckendorf and Edward McCreary