Effective altruism (EA) is a philosophical and social movement, founded by Will MacAskill, focused on using evidence and reason to maximize positive impact on the world. People who practice effective altruism, sometimes called effective altruists, aim to donate their resources (money, time, skills) to the causes that will do the most good.
- Core Principle: Maximizing Good: Effective altruism emphasizes using data and research to identify the most pressing problems facing humanity and the most effective solutions to those problems.
- Cause Prioritization: While EA doesn’t dictate specific causes to support, some popular areas of focus include global poverty, existential risks, and animal welfare. Effective altruists prioritize causes where their resources can have the greatest impact.
- Focus on Evidence and Reason: Effective altruism avoids relying on gut feelings or emotional appeals. Instead, it emphasizes using research and data to determine which interventions are most likely to succeed.
High Impact Career Paths
- Direct Benefiter: doctor, NGO worker
- Money-maker: banker, management consultant
- Researcher: medical researcher, ethicist
- Influencer: politician, teacher
Effective Altruism offers a framework for thoughtful and impactful giving. By using reason and evidence, effective altruists strive to make a real difference in the world.